Friday 15 May 2009


I was feeling pretty gross yesterday. The sore throat I had had for a couple of days was turning into that achy feeling- swollen glands, headache, all tea all the time feeling. And I though I had a slight fever. Not much into thermometers so, a fever as told by the back of my hand on forehead method. Went to work though more for appearances sake, made it through therapy and then came home and fell asleep on the couch for 5 hours. Woke up in time for Housewives Part 2, of course but was clearly not enjoying it as I would have wanted to. (Though seriously, Kelly- when even Ramona thinks you are crazy- you're crazy.)

I am feeling better this morning but last night was not pretty. I went to bed with a 101 fever (finally got out the thermometer) and spent the night cursing my pillow for not having a "cool spot". That's how much heat my head was giving off. Yikes.

Maybe I got the bird flu??


My Three Girls (The A girls) said...

Feel Better!! hope you do not have that flu thing.....We had some horrible bug in March....Took my whole house down. It was rough fever thing, chills, kinda felt like I was dying but I made it, I am still alive.

My Three Girls (The A girls) said...

PS...The kids dr does not like that Fever by the back of your hand....He is always asking for numbers...not "well I knew she had a fever, her feet and palms of her hands were burning hot.. i think around 101.5.

He just does not like my mommy temp taking...he wants fancy shamcy numbers.