So, I bury the two baby birds I find this morning. The Gnomes and I come together for a moment of silence. Papa Bird makes an appearance. We tip out some bread for our fallen homies. (Which is much more play than last week's dead bird got as I feel personally invested in this nest having been adopted by My Bird).... I go to get my laundry. Come back. And there was a third. A THIRD! Three babies in one day from the same nest. I couldn't bring myself to make another headstone. Awful. Just awful.
Circle of life- blah, blah, sob.
I was so upset, I made scones. Ate half the dough and then 2 out of the oven. Diet and the nest- hit HARD today.
Sorry for your loss. That is rough, I hope you can find the strength and courage to make another head stone in honor of the fallen bird. Or..just stick a scone there...a Head scone should work.
A Head Scone! hee hee....
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