Wednesday 18 July 2007

A List.

Several things occurred to me yesterday/this morning
and so here they are- in no particular order....

1. I am an excellent shopper
2. Matt is not a big fan of the shopping (especially at the one mall within 800 miles)
3. If I take two Tylenol PM at bedtime, I sleep funny and wake up with a gi-normous pain in my shoulder!
4. I miss my apartment a little
5. I don't like the music selections by a DJ called Westwood on Radio 1
6. "Anonymous" is a hard word to rhyme- even in a slow jam hip hop tune...
7. Men's jewelery is difficult to find when proper stores upset you
8. I am finding it easier to do nothing and just looking forward to Matt getting home from work
9. If it is hard to think about going to Cornwall for the week, leaving is going to suck.
10. I am not big fan of crumpets
11. I am having Nannyland nightmares like I used to have waitress ones...
12. I wish America gave away free stuff with their magazines (InStyle came with the cutest bag!)
13. Town gets further away every time I walk there
14. The thought of putting my own crown in is a bit scary
15. I love my ring tone on my UK phone. It is called "A Squirrel"
16. I am getting a hot water bottle when I get home!

17. The Ricki Lake Show does not stand the test of time whereas 4 year old Judge Judy's do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is quite a list......
I feel you have far too much time on your hands....:-)
Just enjoy the journey....Go plant those plants...go glue your tooth (or see a professional) a book... write a book...Make another list..BREATHE /...Cause when you go back to will NOT be able to relax and enjoy 'smelling the coffee'....
xx Mum