Thursday 5 July 2007

Happy Fourth of July!

Ok, so two things... a) I know it is the fifth and b) who cares- as I am in England and they don't celebrate here anyway!!
To blog or not to blog... that is the question! I have clearly chose "to" as here we are! Matt and I had a fine flight... Packing was a nightmare- as I was a bit cranky and crampy and bloated.. you get me, dawgs?! So, with a 40 minute delay at JFK- I felt the answer was Vicodin. As I often do... and thus, a fine flight. I watched half of Hot Fuzz, slept (or was chemically knocked out... you pick) and ate what was supposed to be chicken. The salad was good. And I listened to some Ricky Gervaise podcasts... they sure are funny!
Matt was watching a fantastic documentary on skinheads in the north called This Is England and kept giving me looks as I was laughing like a loon.

We landed late however and by the time we got back to Gloucester, I was a nightmare and Matt needed to get to work... which worked out well for both of us, really! I did some tidying, had a cuppa tea and a Crunch Corner and felt very British... then I set about decorating Matt's flat with American flags and other Patriotic crap (which included a HOT Uncle Sam style top hat) and intended to greet him at his door with an "I Want YOU!" but instead laid down to wait and fell fast asleep. Thus Matt came home to our first day of co-habital bliss to find me passed out in an Uncle Sam hat and an American tank top "watching" Lethal Weapon whilst the plastic flags waved. Happy Fourth!

We tried to get me a pay per view phone at ASDA (the supermarket/Walmart owned wonderland that I could spend HOURS in) (it is amazing how exciting food is when wrapped in new packaging... "what is this international delicacy? I MUST have it!! What, Matt? I knew that we have yogurt in America but you add a 'u'... How foreign!") but something called the sim card does not seem to work... ahh well! That means we get to go back today!! Bring on the crisp aisle!

I am going to see if Matt gets Judge Alex now... he is so stern and funny. I love him. But as I have hours and hours to entertain myself with no demands... I am stoked!! And will probably be back! :)


Abi in London said...

Jen, Jen oh Jenny Jen Jen how absolutely delightful to have you on our rainy little island. Its not normally like this in summer...honestly!! Hopefully it will pick up whilst you are here, if not you will have had the full "English Experience" as it were. ie soaked to the bone, miserable and wet but keeping a stiff upper lip as its the British thing to do :)

Glad to see you are getting into the housewifely duties already. I only hope you are doing it whilst dressed up like a Bordello Girl, and shaking your ass to Christina Aguilera's 'Diiirty' whilst whipping around with the hoover. Please dont kill my buzz and tell me you're not, it would be very un-american of you!

So the wonder that is 'Asda' has got you eh? Cant say I'm surprised, it truly is a mecca for the suburban housewife who has a few hours to while away, whilst the little sprogs are at school. I was equally in awe of the wonder that is Walmart when I was last in the old US of A. You guys sure know how to supersize things right?!

Anyway...enough chatting over the net I want to talk to you sooo listen for the ring............ Abigail xxxx

Jo said...

My darling sis.... WHERE ARE THE HOBNOBS!! Not sure about weather where you are but in the arse end of the land where I am it could be a winters day - so bad in fact we had to go to the pub and have a pint and a bowl of cheesy chips just to cheer us up.... once again I ask WHERE ARE THE HOBNOBS???? Lovely to have you home xx

Unknown said...

This is a great idea! Love it!
I know how you love yourself some UPN in the afternoon. I can always tape a couple of hours for you while you are away... Glad what you can remember from the flight wasn't too bad.
Thank you Jo, now I want Hobnobs with every fiber of my being...

Unknown said...

Hobnobs? Are they as good as my Flake bars? Then I'll take a few as well.
I am curious if there will be pics of your flat, you doing the housewife bit, you with the hoover, you on vicodin...:]
Glad you made it safely. Now go on outthere and stock up on those Hobnobs (and a few Flakes for shits and giggles.)

cassie said...

Hi Jen

Just read the whole of your blog how amusing!!

Well what can i say sounds lie you are settling in very well even with Matts little ways i could help but laugh at the food list bit sounds a bit like id do.

I hope you cn make my birthday on the 15th July we are off out somewhere cheap though as we are poorpers after coming back from Spain.

I will text Matt withg all the details but it would be great for both of you to be there.

Love to all. Cassie xx