Friday 17 July 2009

Welcome to The Pity Party!

I don't feel well today. I feel less. Goal-less. Drive-less. Faith-less. Spine-less. Not in the scaredy cat sense (though maybe a little) but in the drama class sense. My character is without an overall spine. Without a through line. What is the end goal? Is this the end goal? Less. I don't know how to fix this. I mean, there's booze, sure. And white chocolate coconut bars with dark chocolate drizzle. But the latter is not sitting well in my system as I am also will power-less. Which makes me feel diminished and bovine at the same time. I am disenchanted. Overwhelmingly disenchanted. And I can't even summon enough energy to dislike it. Maybe I need to take a walk. Maybe the moon is in the seventh house. Maybe a girl shouldn't eat that much coconut- no matter how tasty. Less. I feel very ME-less.
And if I am lacking me then well... then what?


anne altman said...


Sans Pantaloons said...

You need stimulus!

love, jenn said...

Like a stimulus package? I don't think those work.... :)

Anonymous said...

Hey...SOMETIMES "less" is "more"...Like in painless...or like topless! So lessen your lessness....and know ..that your less..will always be MORE to me...oxoxo