Sunday 26 July 2009

I Love a Gnome.

This is not a surprise to ANYONE who has any contact with me. My 3 year old nephew associates gnomes in stores as Things To Buy For Auntie Denn. For the record, I have a small issue with midgets. I know it's wrong. I know. Maybe if they had a pointy hat? Point is...
What was this Gnome Lover thinking?

Germany Allows Display of Nazi Gnome
German Officials will Take No Action Against German Artist Ottmar Hoerl

"The investigation in Nuremberg has determined that the gold-painted gnome is ridiculing the Nazis rather than glorifying Nazi ideology, and is meant to counter fascists' ideas and therefore not illegal."


Sans Pantaloons said...

Unfortunately ridicule has always proven to be a circle. One cannot counter behaviour by adopting it.

love, jenn said...

Terribly wise, sir!

Anonymous said...

AND just where did you find this info???? It just gives gnomes a bad name....