Thursday 2 July 2009

A Day With Aidan

In addition to being a spectacular kid (who can say both No Parking and Dinosaur), his laugh is RIDICULOUS!!! His Mama snapped this pic of him and I being big goofballs and he was almost delirious with giggles- which I wish we had recorded because I would have slapped that on my iPod for the many moments during my day that that sweetness could be played! And then he looked at the pictures and said... Jenn! Is there anything more adorable??
Oh, yeah there is... when asked if he wanted more blueberries (which he had been sharing with me), Aidan looked at me and said "more?" because we were eating them together!

But that's not all!!! Aidan is blessed to have two wonderful, talented, generous, delightful parents who love him and love me! Which means, in addition to being a spectacular kid, Aidan is a very lucky kid! And I... am one lucky friend!

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