Monday 18 January 2010


I am a cranky britches today. So is Ripley. First, in addition to the UTI, Rip has some parasites in her poo. Apparently, all relatively normal for puppies but not for New Puppy Mommies!! Poor little thing is more medicated than I am... which is probably NOT a good thing. I am having cranberry juice (with vodka) for both of us.

But in addition... just some stupid shit going down and the lack of sleep sure ain't helping my attitude! What shit, you ask?? Well, let me break it down for ya!

1) I ran out of paper towels and sweatpants. Paper towels for all the obvious reasons and sweats? Well, the UTI makes Rip a bit, um, leaky. And now that the antibiotics have started to kick in, peeing is easier. Thus accidents are more plentiful. Man....

2) Due to #1, I was forced to leave the house today in leggings. Stretch pants. Unflattering leg wear. It isn't pretty, people. Like my self esteem isn't already suffering whilst carrying a super cute dog. Wonder if the City Vet can up my med intake, too??

3) With the exception of the hot guy and his cute beagle, everyone at the pet store was an asshole. Especially the manager who looked at Ripley and scornfully asked- "What is that thing? One of those poo dogs?" I replied- "um, I think you're a poo!" (leggings bring my maturity level back to '89 when they were in)...

4) After telling a line cutter "it's ok", this bitch at the drug store (where I was buying paper towels) took one look at Ripley and asked, "how much this dog?". I replied, "too fucking much for you, Rudy!" (Cause when you are rude, I call you you Rudy!) Then the line cutter tried to pet Ripley whilst asking how old she was. I whisked Ripley from her dirty reach and said, "old enough to politely wait in line"....

5) There is no chocolate in the house.

6) I am overly anxious about leaving Ripley all day on Thursday while I head to Philly to do my on-air guest training bull shit at QVC. I just overnighted us a doggy playpen and more toys. She doesn't like when I leave to take a shower.... Getting to watch my fat ass on practice TV segments before going national should help! NOT!!

7) Ripley just dumped her water bowl... I guess it's a good thing I got the paper towels... Look at me! Making lemonade! Pass the vodka!


Jenn Hyjack said...

OH man!! That mostly all sucks!! Good thing Ripley's so cute. What's the QVC thing?! LOVE IT!!!! I'll buy one of anything you sell : )

anne altman said...

you can do it! and ripley can do it!

you guys are going to miss each other like crazy; but thankfully she's got a few days for the meds to kick in, and she'll be ayite.

gotta start leaving her sometime-- :( --but it's not too long.

doodle's threshold is 3 days. 4 days, and she takes a dump on my bed.