Thursday 5 November 2009


Turns out. The ever present ache in my left hip that EXPLODED Tuesday night and has gone from ache to OWWWWW, may be a bursitis. Ortho appointment on Monday. Til then, apparently it is all pain all the time! And of course, the googling of bursitis.

What have a learned so far? Apparently, I am a 62 year old fat woman. (the average age/weight of people who post on bursitis discussion boards) and also, if it is septic, it has to be drained. As in, with a needle. As in- OWWWWW! And if it ruptures, I could die. All good news, people!

I need a drink.... Or a case of Vicodin. And a drink. With an ice pack chaser.


anne altman said...

silver lining: NOT hip cancer.

love, jenn said...

I'll drink to that! :)

love, jenn said...

I think my favorite part of the appt. today, was when he asked my weight. I haven't stepped on a scale in forevs so I fudged a number that is probably not too far under... and he asked "how much do you feel that that problem is effecting your hip?"

Awesome! Vicodin on the rocks, STAT!

Blue Beak said...

You have my sympathy. I hope for a full recovery!