Monday 12 January 2009

I Want My Cat Deely!!!

I have never met a dance show I didn't like. So, You Think You Can Dance? Yes, please! Solid Gold vs. Soul Train? Oh, I am in! My DVR set itself to start taping the new season of America's Best Dance Crew!! I even watched that one that Lucinda Dickey was the judge on because I love Breakin' and Breakin' 2....

And yet this is my second attempt at Superstars of Dance and I HATE IT!!!! OMG Michael Flatley. O M G. It isn't that the dancing is bad- it's really incredible but the set up of the show, the judges, the Flatley??? Only 14 minutes 'til Momma's Boys. Bring on the crazy, racist, umbilical cord carrying Mama's while I dream of Cat....

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