Wednesday 28 January 2009

25 Random Things- A Facebook Game Made Blog-y*

1. I don't like onions, peppers or mushrooms- making me a difficult to feed I-talian
2. My favorite cookie is chocolate chip meringue (mostly just the ones made by my Mom)
3. I can nap peacefully to Dawn of The Dead, the epic battles of The Two Towers, and really any flick where my insides feel like they match the outside!
4. I have never met a dance show I didnt like (until Superstars of Dance)
5. I earned two degrees at once (a BS and a BFA... though my Dad would call them both b.s.!)
6. I know all the words to Supersonic by JJ Fad
7. Despite the complete lack of it in my wardrobe, yellow is my favorite color
8. I was captain of my cheerleading squad in high school. I was also catain of the Girls Golf Team (though on personality more than merit... Melissa was the Captain of Merit)
9. I worked at Plainville Farms Restaurant for many years. A restaurant that served turkey and required me to wear a bonnet.
10. My first real crush was on Han Solo. I love him. He knows.
11. Grey is my new black.
12. My least favorite holiday is New Year's Eve.
13. I got a fake ID at the DMV with Bryanna in 1990. Made myself 18. We wanted to go dancing (and apparently thought JAIL would be a nice twist!)
14. When I got my wisdom teeth pulled in 1992, I was asked by the anesthesiologist what I wanted to be and I said a singer and then proceeded to sing a song at her request. I recall none of this but my Mom told me she heard me from the waiting room. She said I sounded good. (I had to be knocked out for this procedure as I am a big chicken)
15. I miss my hermit crabs.
16. The biggest trophy I ever got was for a story telling contest in 6th Grade.
17. I have been auctioned off twice. Once in another country and once for more than 25K.
18. I enjoy the gnome but fear the midget.
19. The first time I felt like a "real" New Yorker, was when I killed a cockroach on my wall and went back to sleep!
20. I HATE cockroaches but don't mind the country bugs here at the BFG Apartment.
21. My first real play (well, musical, really) was Alice in Wonderland. I was Tweedle Dum. And a freshman.
22. My title at work is actually... Majordomo. I got a promotion!
23. My heart is healing slower than I would like but better than I ever imagined.
24. I was told by a psychic once that in all my past lives, I was British. And tragic. Go figure!
25. Morning is the only time I don't drink coffee. Morning is tea time.
*I gave you 25... give me 3! I like to know random things. I prefer to discuss them actually. Some people ask things like- "What do you do?" "Do you have children?" "How is your family?" Not so much me. I like "What's your favorite cereal?" "Do you know what a group of rhinos are called?" and "How do you take your coffee?" Knowing those things about a person makes for lasting relationships!! (BTW... Raisin Bran, a crash, and with milk & one sugar)


Amiga de Caballos said...

Ooooh I never knew what that "25 Random Things" was (yet oddly enough, I was often mentioned in them as my facebook notifier tells me).

1. I am addicted to Yankee Candles. I pick a scent for each month of the year, and then I can't decide on just one so I have to pick a 'co-scent' of the month. It's a pretty expensive habit too, those suckers are like 25 bucks each!

2. I don't know what a group of Rhinos is called, but a group of Whales is a 'Pod', a group of Unicorns is a 'Miracle', a group of Crows is a 'Murder', and a group of Teenagers is 'Annoying'.

3. Contrary to my current style, in high school I thought myself quite punk rock and proceeded to dye my hair every color of the rainbow... yea, groups of teenagers ARE annoying...


Unknown said...

Favorite cereal - Lucky Charms
Rhinos - no idea, but I'd better learn because pretty soon Susanna will be asking me
Coffee - black! and in large quantities!!! :-)


love, jenn said...

Girls... the answer is there for you if you want it! A group of rhinos is called A CRASH! Fitting, yes? D- An Annoying of Teens. I like it! Miki- Susanna already knows! :)