Tuesday 20 January 2009

Happy Inauguration Day...

...as I watch the pre-Inauguration ceremonies on TV, and I chuckle along with the newscasters as they make fun of the "Obama Knickknacks" for sale (The Audacity of Soap bars sound like good, clean fun) and I think what I have been thinking for months.... this day is not about one man. It is not solely about Barack Obama, the man. It is about what he represents and what we ALL need to embrace today. It really is about the change WE all want to see. The change we NEED to be.

From my little desk I wish Obama the best of luck and the brightest of lights to carry as we ALL aspire to appeal to our highest angels...


Sans Pantaloons said...

I concur, Yes We Can!

anne altman said...


and if we can't

at least we tried.