Tuesday 15 September 2009

What? More to say??

Turns out, yes. Here's the thing- I didn't watch the VMAs until Monday night. My Mom is here, True Blood was on, dropping A back at boarding school.... lots going on. So, I caught the show on Monday. Of course, by then- I had read reports of Kanye's misdoings and was not surprised but thought- "really?" And then I saw it. For those of you who did not. The delightful Taylor Swift was giving an acceptance speech for the Best Female Video Award and mid-speech, Kanye came on stage and to praise Beyonce. He doesn't say "should have won", he doesn't say "compared to yours, Taylor"- he simply takes that moment to be a fucking douche. Selfish. Selfish and rude. And seeing it- took my breath away.

I believe in the freedom of speech. I believe we all have the right to not only have our opinions but express them- loudly. I do NOT believe we have the right to shit on other people. For the record, I agree with Kanye. Beyonce had the better video. But wanting to say that and managing to shit on someone at the same time does not compute.

I love that everyone boo'd. I love that Taylor went, minutes later, and sang her little heart out. And I adore, ADORE the gracious and graceful and delicious way that Beyonce stepped in and stepped up to the plate. She did it with class and love and honor and I will sing a little louder the next time Single Ladies comes on.

I tolerate a lot. Tolerance is part of my job. But there is simply no excuse for rudeness. My Mother still reminds my brother and I to say please and thank you. Because it is that important. It is a sign of our times. This state of entitlement that says to an incredibly talented, visionary artist- "YOUR opinion matters more than anything." This state of entitlement that lets a man believe that ruining a "capital M" Moment for a young star is ok because he should be heard. This state of entitlement that comes with the same impulse control that the average, barely trained animal has.

And then he goes on Leno. And Leno asks what his Mom would say. My problem, no matter how sad or regretful or lost he is without her, is that his Mom should have made it clear when she was with him.... His opinion matters. But no opinion matters so much that shitting on an excited young lady's success is the right way to express it. There are moments we regret in our lives- moments that our behavior, our manners, our upbringing fly out the window. We all have them. Lord knows, I have... well, one or two, maybe. But to shame oneself is a-whole-nother kettle of fish. I hope that Kanye is ashamed. I hope he knows that blogging that he is "sooooo sorry" doesn't count for jack. And I hope that Beyonce knows that she provided the audience of the VMA a moment of pure grace and an example to live up to. And I hope that Taylor knows that this whole thing wasn't about her- but about a little man who needs to be punished. Because that is what we do to children who act out. I hope this reverberates the right way through the world because this sense of entitlement crap is starting to push me over the edge.

Oh, and I bet Kanye has a small dick.

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