Tuesday 23 October 2007

Ahhh, Anthony's Song!

I'm MOVIN' OUT, people!
Long have I desired to look upon the faces... wait, that's Aragorn.
Long have I desired to move, as many of you know. Between my weird bug buddies and the long walk to the train and the lack of CABLE!... I have thought of it again and again but I do love my apartment and it's price and so I have stayed... But with the promise of a new roommate (sometime before 2009, fingers crossed)- it's time.
Oh, and did I mention my landlords are NUTS!! I am talking Insane in the Membrane here. In addition to be the angriest I-talian in all of Queens (he shouts at everything that moves) (including his wife) (and small children and Matt), he is a terrible land lord. Sure the building is clean, but he is cheap and insists on doing all work himself. For example, when ConEd burned up our wires, he replaced lighting fixtures and in the process trashed my apartment! Also, my doorknob barely works and I have been locked IN!! God forbid, there's a fire. He also throws the mail away at will. Can you say federal offense?? I am just really over giving them my money. And I want cable.
So, here is my question (to the tens of millions who read this fine blog)... do I give notice on Dec. 1 and include the request that they use my deposit as my last month?? I understand from varying sources, that they do not give deposits back... regardless, of the tenant or the state of the apartment. Even the real estate peeps said to do this! I was prepared to chalk it up as a loss but now... I'm not. So, do I just hope for the best or be pro-active in a way that may or may not cause problems?? For the record, they are almost always nice to my face.
My apartment is in excellent condition. Doorknob aside (which ain't my fault... it broke when he replaced the doorknob's innards)... I have re-caulked the tub, I fill all holes I make when I hang stuff, I replace my own light bulbs (even the ceiling ones) and I have (almost) always paid the rent on time... for FIVE YEARS. Oh, and since the end of my first lease, I have been living month-to-month. In my opinion, there is no reason I shouldn't get my deposit back but...
he is a tiny, angry, dickwad of a man.
And thus I ask.... What would you do???

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