Tuesday 16 February 2010

A Trio of WTFs

-Kevin Smith (director,actor, writer) gets kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight for being too fat and offered a $100 voucher and a different flight time (on a plane with TWO seats avails for his fat ass)
Here's the link to his side of the tale according to MTV www.mtv.com I chose this article because I like when he says he is "no John Candy yet"

-What is up with this single mother telling me to settle? In her new book, Marry Him: The Case For Settling For Mr. Good Enough, Lori Gottleib says to scale back your expectations, ladies... "they pass up the '8' in order to hold out for the '10'- and then suddenly they're 38 or 40 and now they can only et a '5'". Ummm, suck it. I completely understand the notion that sometimes our "wish list" gets the better of us (personally, I blame Lloyd Dobbler) but there's no proof in her pudding (where is your happily ever after with an 8, Gottleib?) AND I resent the notion that just being 38 renders you incapable to get even half of what you desire in a mate.

-Dr. Oz found 100 people who EACH lost over 100lbs for his 100th show and the whole thing made me want to eat a package of Ring Dings.

1 comment:

anne altman said...

suck it, gottleib

time for ring dings.