Friday 12 February 2010

My Girl..., I thought I would share what's been going on in my house with my girl. Ripley has been pretty ill. She is fighting another UTI along with a GI infection that had me shattered with fear earlier in the week. She spent a night at an emergency Veterinarian Hospital that ran all sorts of tests on her and gave her all sorts of antibiotics and a diagnosis (as suspected thanks to my new career as Armchair Vet) of an ectopic ureter. Don't know what that is? Well, it's when one of the little tiny tubes that goes from the kidneys to the bladder on its way out does not actually go to the bladder. It explains why she has been "leaky" since I got her and why she will continue to fight UTIs and other infections until she has it surgically repaired. She has to have one more scan to confirm just where they have to go in and then surgery... For now- her temp is down, she has come home, she HATES her antibiotics, she is almost her crazypants self.

I could use some sleep, myself without the worry of puppy vomit or temperature spikes or any of the other shit storms that have touched down in my world. Seriously, when God closes a door, He slams that open window right down on my clucking fingers. Not to mention that I won't be eating anytime soon what with the price of emergency dog care these days...

But as I type- the world still turns, the shit storm blows past and Ripley is snoozing at my feet in her new bed which is on her new blanket next to her new flamingo toy! And in the morning, we will take a walk on her new polka dot leash... When she gets home from surgery, clearly guilt will have me getting her a car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She needs nothing more then the loving Mommy she already has......hugs to both of you!!