Tuesday 27 October 2009

Diamond Does Window!

This was my bedroom window. It wass 7000 years old (give or take). It didn't lock. It couldn't hold an AC. It was ugly. It needed to be replaced!
Enter my personal Superhero- Diamond Don!!

Concrete is no match for my Dad!

After being allowed to break one window pane (which was WAY fun),
I was just in the way so I did some raking!!
Meanwhile, the new window is looking great!!

Did Diamond Don work through the night?? NOPE! He just started again before the sun came up! Which, of course, is my favorite time to do chores...
I fixed a broken pane on the other window all by myself! I heart duct tape!
And in less than half a day... I present to you... A Diamond Don original....
My new WINDOW!!!


anne altman said...

and that? is waaaaaaaaaay cool.

he does window alright.

kudos to diamond don. and congrats to you.

anne altman said...

part of me is guessing he was muttering "what the heck are you takin' pictures for? go rake leaves. you're in my way."

love, jenn said...

That part of you is very intuitive....

Sans Pantaloons said...

Don is indeed a Diamond Geezer!

Just in time for winter too.

jennritchie said...


Rodney Orton said...

Diamond Don is surely the best handyman in your place, especially for installing windows. Your new windows made your bedroom homier. You can easily add the AC in the future just by putting it at the bottom pane, right?