I have tried to avoid the scary people killing people ones but decided I Know What You Did barely counts as one of those and we chuckled our way thru it! Of course, the second it was over- they wanted to watch I Still Know What You Did Last Summer which we had not rented. The conversation went like this...
Me: "We didn't rent it."
Kids: "Duh, we can instant Netflix it and watch it on the computer."
Me: "We are not gathering round the computer to watch a movie children, that's stupid."
Kids: "No, it isn't. You're just old. Everyone is doing it."
And much like that theoretical bridge I should never have jumped off because everyone else was doing it... I instantly conceded. And there we were... gathered 'round Opal, watching the fist 30 minutes of I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.
Fast forward to a few days ago... I finally decided to sit down and watch the Torchwood: Children of Earth miniseries event that I had DVR'd. First- I recommend it highly!! HIGHLY! I laughed, I sobbed, I long for Captain Jack Harkness to father my children... But at 3AM, I realized I had not taped Day 5!!! Not recorded the final day!! I was already in hysterics from Day 4. There was no way I was going to sleep without Day 5. And so, what did this old dog do?? Downloaded it on iTunes and watched it on Opal! I jumped!!! And it was well worth it!! I was so proud of myself. This wireless Opal thing is a real treat! Now I know what you kids have been bragging about all this time!
And so I would like to thank the BBC for creating a miniseries that I wanted to watch the conclusion of so very badly that I went for it. Opal for being the best computer a girl could ask for and Annalee & Jay for being such taunters. I believe the children are the future. Teach them well and let them lead the way....
1 comment:
Yay Opal! Yay children of the future!
I think Jack is jolly...
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