Monday 23 February 2009

All About Oscar!

Reporting from my couch and with neither rhyme nor reason.. these are MY Oscar high lights!

-A. hates Miley's dress but thinks Hugh Jackman is funny (I concurred)

-I scream twice over Best Supporting Actress. Once for Penelope and once for Robb- who texted that everything was up fro grabs and Spinderella my take Best Actress! Spinderella.

-I am unsure what an "inept silence" sounds like but I know what funny is. Thank you, Tina Fey & Steve Martin. Thank you!

-I, much like Jennifer Aniston, don't know which way the close up of Jolie will come from.

-tiny Asian winner declares... "It's so heavy"

-What's throwing off Daniel Craig and SJP more? His ears or her boobies?

-Edward Cullen v. Robert Pattinson (or The Birth AND Death of Romance for many a girl....)

-Sure am glad I don't have to make a Romance in 2008 montage

-turns out, I enjoy Ben Stiller more when he is NOT talking

-Pot IS funny.... and Rogan said "assss-phalt"

-the Musical is alive and well and honors Drumline? (And also- enough with the At Last)

-Is it colder at PSH's? Did he Doubt the temperature control and thus, a knit hat?

-They couldn't have sat Heath Ledger's family any further away? It wasn't a huge surprise, people!


-And tonight on Oscar Presents: Stupid Human Tricks... Man on Chin!

-I like this Tick, Tick, Tick Boom song!

-I would totally add Brad Pitt, Garden Gnome to the patio

-Will Smith is uber-concerned with the fate of the envelope! WTF?! Oh, and maybe should have practiced Resul Pookutty's name

-Miss Alecia Keys? Flat Out Stunning. Mr. Zac Efron? Falls Flat. (I just don't get it)

-Why only 3 nominated songs? If I was The Boss, I would be pissed! (But I do like the whole John Legend meets Bollywood vibe!)

-I think Reese took Queen Latifah's dress, took it in and made it look like ass.

-Anne Hathaway.

-Marian Cotillard describes Kate's craft as being an example of "passion, vulnerability and extraordinary depth" (I concur with that, too)

-I want to start off all further speeches like Sophia Loren from here on out. Hand on hip and oozing sassy, saucy, sexy WOMAN!

-I heart Kate Winslet's Dad. (and want to believe it is never too late for my Dad to learn how to whistle!)

-True or Not... I am choosing to believe that the former Oscar winners wrote their own tributes to the nominees. Except Adrian Brody- who clearly had to google his.

-Seriously, how clucking long is this show? I have made 5 Felt Friends!


Thank you and good night...


anniemom said...

Yaaaaaay! I was waiting for your Oscar commentary... I wanted to call you yesterday and say "This is your night, baby!" :)

Sans Pantaloons said...
