Monday 16 June 2008

Lord, but it doesn't take much...

... to make my list!
(It's harder to get on Mary Murphy's Hot Tamale train- although is that a bad thing?)
11. There is a real fucking dillweed across the street from me who owns a parrot. It may a different kind of bird, I don't know but for now... let's go with parrot. Evidently. the parrot lives near the window. And evidently, the window is open. I can hear this thing squawking from my living room, door shut, TV on!! Seriously, if I lived next door, I wouldn't even pretend I didn't kill it and eat it. Just wait for my neighbor with a tiny fried wing and a new feather boa. As it stands I am dying to borrow Nick's BB gun and do some target shooting. And if I hit one of the Real Estate beasts will I feel bad? Hell no. Fuck That.
ps... I am trying to record this thing just so I can share how ridiculous it is but it only makes my desire for Southern Fried even stronger!


Anonymous said...

Let it goooooooooooooooo~~

anniemom said...

We have a tom cat that comes around... I could send him your way?