Friday 13 June 2008

June and Other Things That Disappoint Me Right Now!

Ahh, June. Should be a sunny, cool breeze filled month. Um, yeah- not at The Big Fat Greek Apartment. Here at the BFG Apt., it has been a disappointing, angry, frustrated, sad month so far and we are only half way through it!! So, here, in no particular order, is shit that has left me disappointed, angry, frustrated and sad!
I am going to call it... The Fuck That List!
1. Corporate sponsors on reality shows. Sure, Idol has its Coke cups (which clearly don't contain just soda) but on So, You Think You Can Dance- they have Snuggle sponsoring Happy Dances and Extra Fruit gum bringing us one of the couples! Ummm- a) I like my gum like I like my toothpaste- minty. and b) really? Fuck That.
(Not on the list though is William B. Wingfield. Hello, Debbie Allen mentored Hotness! He is reason to watch. I mean Cat Dealy is charming and Twitch is still my fave but yes, please Will!
He lists Breakin' as one of his favorite dance movies of all time
as if his graceful, masculine, beautiful self ain't enough.
Thank you Mrs. Cosby!)
2. Bravo's A List Awards. WHAT??? If they were awarding all Bravo shows, I might of got it but they had whacked out categories and stupid nominees and the occasionally funny Kathy Griffin hosting. We could have a B List awards of all things Bravo and I would have enjoyed it.
Instead, I say Fuck That.
3. The Beasts that work at the Real Estate Office across the street from my driveway! They park in the No Parking spot at will and then are less than apologetic, ridiculously gross and fat, and just plain rude and entitled seeming. I hate it! I want to buy orange cones to leave there all the time because signs and paint ain't enough.
Or maybe I should be nice and just let them park when I don't have a car??
No, Fuck That!
4. In The Name of The King (A Dungeon Siege Tale)
Ray Liotta, Matthew Lillard, Gimli and my delish, Jason Statham... Should have been enjoyable. Not Oscar worthy, but fun to watch. No. Lillard tried a British accent and just gave up half way thru (not his worst decision), everyone else was American except my darling Jason who was just nice to look at. But it was the longest, crappiest LOTR wanna be I have ever had the misfortune to sit thru. And poor, poor Gimli- he had more personality as an Ent.
And I own this piece of shit. Fuck That.
5. That I have a billion channels and there is nothing on. With sleep not on the menu, this is bad. And the insects of the BFG Apartment Wild Kingdom like to come out and watch TV with me and they, too are unhappy.
Of course, Fuck That.
6. The house centipede. It is an unkillable minion of Satan. Apparently, a fine bug. They don't infest. They are loners. They just hunt other bugs. But they are gross and impossible to kill. I have sprayed them with a puddle of Raid and they just keep on walking. They are like crazy, efficient predators. Welcome to How To Catch a Predator- BFG Apt. style... it involves Windex.
I could think of them as the shark of the insect community but hey, Fuck That.
7. The fact that Lisa almost won Top Chef. Really, the fact that she hasn't been hit by a truck is enough to make me say, Fuck That.
(but congrats, Steph!!)
8. The ridiculously shitty hand I am being dealt by the Big Guy.
Once again, I need to be the adult, the mature one, the one who does all the work and very loudly I say.... FUCK THAT!
This list could go on and on but the spider beetles want me to change to channel.
Apparently Beverly Hills Cop 2 ain't doing it for them.
Well, Fuck That.

1 comment:

anne altman said...

i have a solution for your bug problem, i forgot to mention it:


kidding! kidding! kidding!

the solution is either

1) powdered borax


2) diatomaceous earth (food grade---also great for plants which you have a lot of!)


3)plain baking soda

all powdered, all very cheap and safe (the second two you can eat for cryin out loud), which you sprinkle in/on/near the cracks and crevices where the buggies come and go. what happens is, the bug crawls over it and then dries out and dies. not immediately, but on his own very soon.

the end.