A sweet & sassy broad's adventures both at home and well, abroad! From Cornwall to Astoria- this broad always gots something to say!
Sunday, 22 February 2009
Like a Reptilian Band Aid....
If ever I got another* pet of a reptilian nature.... You, Sir, are first on my list!
*Historically, I have housed newts, crayfish, snakes, turtles, chameleons (and their squirmy, hop-py meals), hermit crabs, fish... honestly, if it was cold and un-cuddly- I wanted it.... which perhaps is why the Brit worked so well for me! Ba dum bump! Try the veal, I'm here all week!
You Sir, are one funny Lady.
I thought this was a quote.
It is now.
Oh, it SOO is now!! And a great title for a comedy CD! Maybe I should make one...
Make two, maybe someone else might want one. :¬)
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