And the day just got better from there! Story time at the Library. Painting bird houses and reading all the new books I brought him. Making a mobile together of Felt Friends and baking muffins and just snuggling away with the sweetest little niece ever! I am overloaded with cuteness and exhausted! But alas, the Top Chef finale is finally about to start on the West Coast and I am not ready to pack my knives and go to bed without seeing Stefan taken down!!
Oh, and I had to include this pic of Athea taken by her Mama before I got her because she is wearing the onesie I felted! Eli got a Big Bro shirt, too so there will be a photo shoot tomorrow! Let's just say - Athea has several new pairs of felt booties to choose from now!
yay! she's adorbs!
will you be making me a felt bikini?
size medium.
How in the sam hill did you guess your bday gift??? What are you psychic?
Like I played Anonymous to make you guess who I was with your psychic powers?? :)
oh, to be anonymous again.
wonder what that's like?
what in the sam hill???
what in the sam hill, you from olean????
"Lil Sis" is tooooo cute for words in her new onesie~~~~~~~~OX
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