And finally, it all comes together... I give you-
Athea's Mobile!!
Athea's Mobile!!

B is for Butterfly
C is for Cupcake
D is for Dragonfly
E is for Elephant
F is for Flower
G is for Giraffe
H is for Hummingbird (purple for Grandma)
I is for Igloo (complete with tiny penguin)
J is for Jammy (Aunt) Jenn
K is for Key
L is for Lizard
M is for Monkey
N is for Ninja (hot pink, of course)
O is for Octopus
R is for Rhino
P is for Pickle
Q is for QuailR is for Rhino
S is for Snail
T is for Toucan
U is for Umbrella
V is for Veggies
W is for Whale
X is for XO
Y is for a Yellow Y
Z is for Zebra
(it's so lovely and soothing, she has fallen right to sleep! It's a magic mobile...)
T is for Toucan
U is for Umbrella
V is for Veggies
W is for Whale
X is for XO
Y is for a Yellow Y
Z is for Zebra
(it's so lovely and soothing, she has fallen right to sleep! It's a magic mobile...)

Who ARE you?! That's just... awesome.
Your talent is undeniable!
Amazing that we have the same amount of hours in the day as you. Inspiring.
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