However, this post is not about the joy that snow brings. Just look at Edith (circa 1900s)- she likes shoveling. This post is about the trial that was the BFG clucking Apartment today!! First, I had to deal with Smelly Clucking Chinese fix it Woodchuck as he addressed the lack of clucking hot water in the building all day. There was a point when he took my hand, stuck it under the icy running water in my kitchen and shouted "HOT"! There was some clucking kung fu fighting after that... and yet it was still hours before I had any clucking hot water!! And by then, the snow had started to fall.
Now the clucking dill weeds upstairs- Dumb and Princess Dumber who just a few weeks ago threw a fit about "building responsibility" and "sharing the load" and "I'm from Colorado" and "I shoveled!" (once, btw, over a clucking year ago) and yet while I shoveled this evening, hoping to save Jim from having to do it at 9PM when he got home... they both walked right clucking by me and did not lift a clucking finger!!! I absolutely cannot clucking stand people like that! It just pisses me off.
Thank the Lord I bought cupcakes for my post-shovel reward while watching the season finale of Double Shot at Love! Hopefully, there will be clarity here.... is there one winner? Two (as they are competing for bisexual twins)? Will one person be dating both chicks? Will the sisters continue to share everything?
I think I need a clucking drink with my cupcake... and a heating pad! Kung Fu Fighting and Shoveling is hard work all the same clucking day!
*this post has been rated PG by clucking yours truly because my Mom hates when I repeatedly say anything else that rhymes with clucking and starts with an "f". Your clucking welcome, Mother!
*this post has been rated PG by clucking yours truly because my Mom hates when I repeatedly say anything else that rhymes with clucking and starts with an "f". Your clucking welcome, Mother!
No feathers about it,,,,clucking is soooo much prettier!Love the Hat, too:-)
I'm not sure I fully understand all the components of this post, but it is clear you are a heroine!
Please do not let inconsiderate people distract you from your destiny. Leave them to stagnate in their shame.
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