She's only 68, now so she still has time, of course.
Here she is in '93, a newlywed for the 23rd (and record earning) time! Love the chair, LLW!
"Linda has been married to a convict, a preacher, a musician, bartenders, homeless men, electricians, and even two gay men. One husband beat her. More than one deserted her.
But this hasn't discouraged her from walking down the aisle again."
But this hasn't discouraged her from walking down the aisle again."
And at this point, I say... what would then?
Since I can't even manage one, maybe the lesson is get back on the horse! What Would LLW Do? She would I Do again! Mr. 23 was just a publicity stunt anyway so...
Maybe it just gets uber-easy?
"She never wrote her own vows. And she always saw the end coming."
Or maybe it's the Say Anything lesson that I forgot for awhile... If you see the end coming from the beginning, then you're ready for the next train.
This post was intended to be funny. Or maybe just fun. But I suddenly feel quite sad and stupid.
Maybe we attach value to things and situations. Maybe our expectations are unattainable.
Maybe all we need is a smile and a wink.
Linda Lou Whatever is out of her tits.
SP- I concur! Let's wink it up!
and Alt- she is BEYOND out of her ta tas
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