...have a FELT problem.
Confession time, Peeps! this past Christmas, I decided that instead of buying millions of gifts for the millions of kiddos in my life, I would make them something. I am relatively crafty and thus it seemed like a good idea! And thus, Felt Friend making became my evening hobby. I made ornaments out of felt that were specifically for the recipient- a pineapple for M&H, a peanut butter jelly time ornament for E, a little ladybug for T, etc... But me being me, Christmas came and went and still many a present hadn't been given so the Felt Friend making continued AND got more detailed. Then it became a challenge. Could I make a flamingo? A hermit crab? A seahorse? And the answer was yes! Yes! YES! I decided I would make FFs until I ran out of felt.
But alas, as with any addiction, purchasing more felt became justified. I needed green to make an alligator. Dark brown to make the dots on the giraffe. The perfect shade of yellow to add detail to the felt covered clippy for Susanna. And then I saw felt baby stuff on line and I thought... I need to make those for my new niece! But at the time I didn't know if it was a niece or nephew and I wanted better quality felt for that! Many dollars later, a shipment of wool felt arrived and baby stuff making commenced.... It's a problem, people. My lodger is starting to get worried and a little sick of coming up with appropriate "ooh and ahh" noises... But now I wanna make finger puppets and little gift card holders and clothing and food and O M G!!!
I share because it is time to admit my problem. And also because my personal best has been completed. So I am confessing and bragging... With some Design Intervention from the Jayman, I have risen to my greatest felt challenge of all... What is it? Well... I saw online that someone had made felt Golden Girls.

But if I was going to make a group out of felt, who would I make... the answer?
Note the bling, the stripes on the Adidas, the boom box... I don't wanna brag, but my Felt DMC would kick those Felt Goldens right in the ass!
So, I would like to thank the Academy (of felt, of course). My Design Intervention, Jayman. My parents. My Dealer (houseoffelt.com). Michaels and my ADIDAS! It's Tricky to work the felt but if you wanna Walk This Way you can't Be Illin'! Yeah, It's Like That!
PS... anyone wanna buy a felt onion?
I think *I* want a felt onion! Actually... I'd also like to place an order for Felt Beastie Boys... do I do that here or do you have an 800 number??
One felt onion coming right up! It's crying, of course! Because it's a dirty onion.
I gots a 900 number! Dirty felt talk at $2.99 a minute... "ooh, you are so wooly. I can't wait to stitch you all night..." and the like! ;)
I'll let you know about the Beasties! They gotta fight for their right to be felted!
Funniest post yet. I would please like a felt Annie Lennox and possible a felt Ani Difranco.Thank you.
D-arn M-arvelous C-reations....
You should think PINK......ahhh a great choice for a girlie felt rocker!
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