Tuesday 16 November 2010

RIPLEY IS 1!!! (or 7, if you are counting in human years!)

On Sunday, I got an email from Ripley's vet (automatically sent, of course) to say Happy Birthday to her and give me some tips on how to handle a one year old dog! I FREAKED! I was in the Hamptons, you see- far, far away from any documentation of Ripley's whelping and I thought her birthday was next week! I called the Vet Hospital (which is open and expensive 24/7) to confirm and they had her birthday down as next month! I knew that was wrong!

Annalee and I decided that the only way to proceed was to have a cupcake (and a photo shoot) immediately! I never say no to a cupcake and it turns out... neither does Ripley! Also turns out- her birthday (or Whelp Day) is TODAY! I had it wrong in my head but I didn't miss it and that is all that matters!



anne altman said...


Happy, Birthday, Ripley!

Congratulations, Jennifer!

(As Dutch tradition has it, one is supposed to congratulate the relative of the birthday person in addition of the birthday person, as it is a celebration for all. No offense, Mr. Hermit Crab, you were no less photogenic, but a whole lot less work. RIP, Hermie)


the family doodle and john

jennyphoria said...

Great photos. Happy birthday, Ripley!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday sweet puppy!! WE will celebrate AGAIN next week too!! I do LOVE all these photos...so adorable.. momma too:-)ox

love, jenn said...

Thanks, Anne! Thank Edam, your Dutch roots are showing! Now get John's finger in the dam before it floods the place!

And thank you to you, Jennifer!! By next year, I will teach her to fake play the drums! :)

And, oh- how we will party, Anon!!

Sans Pantaloons said...

Happy Birthday Ripley!

I think if one dog year is equal to seven human years, her Birthday should last at least seven days!

'Tis only fair.

Jenn Ritchie said...

Happy Birthday Ripley!! I love these pics!!!