Monday 8 November 2010


Yesterday, Ripley & I met a lovely 3 year old pit mix called, Mushroom! How cute is that?!
I don't like mushrooms- for eating, that is. I know, I know- they are delicious! You lie. I also don't like onions. That being said- I like a dog named Mushroom and I also like to FIND mushrooms! My Bro was hellbent on finding a King Bolete (known to the Eye-talians as Porcini) on any of our walks and would spy a 'shroom and announce, "It must be something!" Good times! Anyway, in honor of Mushroom and mushroomin'.... here are some mushrooms I liked enough to capture! Just not in my mouth!

Though I took these pics purely on the basis of whimsy- I learned that the 'shrooms in the first pic (the colorful ones) are POIsonoUS! They are called Amanitas and even touching them can be hallucinogenic at best, leaving you in need of gastric decontamination or death at worst!
Just a little FYI!


Anonymous said...

Mushrooms...YUCK,,,they grow in the dark~~I bet the dog is cute tho.:=)ox

Sans Pantaloons said...

Time to rest a spell.

love, jenn said...

OHHHh! SP!! I DO feel more magical now!! :)