Monday 16 August 2010

I Gotta Dyson!!

Long have I coveted the Dyson. The Ex's landlady had one and I think I hoovered every day! I hoover whenever I am at my Sis's house, too! (alright, that is a slight exaggeration)....

And just about a week or so ago- I got my own!!! Dyson is pretty and red and has a big ball and sucks like a champ! I LOVE him. Ripley? Not so much. But she likes that when Dyson comes out, she gets treats so there's that! See- here she is barking with barely contained excitement for Dyson/treats!

That's the good news. The bad? What Dyson has really taught me is that I need a new rug. I got the rug that is in my living room at IKEA when I first moved in. It is cream colored and really suits the room- blending my chocolate brown sofas and the BFG tiles delightfully. It is also filthy!! No one should get light colored carpets. (For the record- the Ex picked it)

I remember when I was a freshman in college, my Dad remodeled our living room- out went the brown 70s paneling and brown & orange shag carpet of my youth and in came a lot of white colors! My Mom was thrilled and then a bit of a dictator about her carpets! At the time, I thought her "no shoes, no dirty bare feet, no socks that had recently been on feet in work boots" rules were a bit insane! But looking down at my carpet right now? I get it! I could blame Ripley (and she is too blame for some of the mess) but I am to blame as well.

Family legend tells a tale of a time when my college boyfriend and I were in the living room, how shall I say, fooling around?, when my younger brother came barreling into the house. I shouted to him to stay in the kitchen (and thus give T & I time to right ourselves) and Jeff not knowing why, asked if we had spilled ketchup on the carpet!! Clearly, my Mom was nothing if not good at getting Jeff and I to fear her Stained Carpet Wrath!!

SOOOOO.... I just got some carpet tile samples from Flor! Flor sells carpet tiles that you stick together and then put down! Allowing you to be super creative with your choices and clean the tiles individually if needed!! Plus, Anne has one so, now I want one, too! I am liking the notion of a black carpet with one random scarlet square (as it is my accent color).

What do you think?? You can't see it in this pic but the black has a cool weave to it so it isn't as solid colored as it looks!


anne altman said...


Anonymous said...

NO white carpet..shows ketchup:-) and black shows lint...just trying to help...ox love the carpet tile idea tho~~