Wednesday 10 June 2009


"I loved it this season when girls went crazy for me. As far as I'm concerned, it's all hot. Just because I'm not sticking it in there doesn't mean that I don't find it beautiful."
-Adam Lambert in Rolling Stone
(Memo to AL- remember when you were just singing fantastically, ambiguously sexual and not talking vag? I liked that better. Stick that to your sticking post. love, jenn)


anniemom said...


love, jenn said...

By "ambiguously"- I mean, "clearly, likes the boys but it doesn't matter as you are a talented, provocative, dangerous singer..."

And so to come out so stupid and crude- bleh! BLEH!

Anonymous said...

Was this on his ET interview????
Why be so crude??? Isn't not "doing them"..good enough???
American Idol must be real proud...

Roo said...

i love him though...why do I only like the boys that are wrong for me?