Saturday 13 June 2009

My Favorite Cookie... a chocolate chip meringue. I prefer them made by my Mom but if I can't have those... Trader Joe makes a fine one. And thank God they are low fat because I ate an ENTIRE CONTAINER!! Not in one sitting, of course... but in a day. I'm not proud of this behavior... But I am full!

And I had a lovely cocktail to go with it! Because if you are going to have cookies for dinner, why not have a Rasberry Mojito chaser?! Especially if it's made with fresh mint from the Patio!

Now- add a side of Harper's Island and that spells a perfect Saturday night at the BFG Apartment!


anne altman said...


anniemom said...

How 'bout them fingernails?! Shutups! Love them. xo.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like one delicious time!!ox

love, jenn said...

Good Eye, Mosh!! I did that myself!! :) That Sally Hanson- makes a fine ball point nail polish pen!