Wednesday 23 June 2010

Is That The Hand That Feeds Me? I'll Bite...

So, Nannyland has offered me a lot of opportunities that I wouldn't normally have had! We were tripping down memory lane the other day and found these fine pre-blog pics of the time we were in the Keys and got to swim with dolphins! It was exactly 4 years ago in March, actually 'cause I was there when my sweet, sweet nephew was born! It was AWESOME! AWESOME!

I am sure you can tell by that ginormous grin that I fell a little in love! That being said, Jay- who was just 9 at the time- did NOT! Though a strong swimmer, being in this lake and having the dolphins just appear from beneath you (you felt them before you saw them- such power!) was not his cup of tea. He did not swim out for hugs and kisses. As you can see from the next pic- even holding onto the dock had him scrambling like a spider monkey onto my back when Twister swam by!
But we were given the option to "ride" the dolphins. We were to swim to the middle and hold out one arm. the dolphin would swim over, slowing down enough to allow you to grab their dorsal fins and be pulled along for a ride! I couldn't wait!! Both older kids went. Mom went. Dad went. Jay was TERRIFIED! The trainers offered him the option of going piggyback with one of the adults! Everyone looked at Dad, of course. Dad looked at me. Jay was already climbing on. Well, I thought... OK! I wanted him to have the opportunity and I love him and if it was me that he was most comfortable with- well, that's my job! PLUS- we got to have TWO dolphins pull us as there were two of us! WOOO HOOO!

Jay was thrilled for two seconds. But then- he was scared. And then as the dolphins picked up speed, really scared!
And as the dolphins swam, water was kicked up. Jay was choking me. And as I can't choke properly while being held under running water - I thought I was going to die.
And I don't wanna seem ungrateful cause I jumped at the chance to jump in with the dolphins but I wasn't counting on the near drowning and all I could think was.... this job is NUTS!
But then, so am I so there's that...

1 comment:

Sans Pantaloons said...

Wonderful! Such a life enhancing experience.