Sunday 13 June 2010

And so, here we are....

Dear Ripley,

I can't believe you have been here for six whole months. I also kinda can't believe I am writing you a letter when I never let you use the computer. So I guess this is more for me. (Then again, all the cooking done in this house for the last month has been for you so... there's that)

You have changed everything. Everything. And for all the scary, crazy, expensive, annoying, joyous moments- I thank you. When you cuddle in or make me laugh or give me a reason to stay home or get out and walk- I feel like I can't love you more. But then two seconds later- I DO!! You are just plain delicious. And I am so, so, so happy we have each other! You complete me.

your Mama

ps... Ripley would like to add the following: "yOu COmpLeTe mE? rEaLly! I nEeD a TreAt juSt fOr bEiNg tHe otHeR hAlF of ThAT. xOXo"


anne altman said...


aren't new roommates great???


Sans Pantaloons said...

Double Yay! with treats!