Tuesday 18 May 2010

Ripley's BFF Dexter!

Dexter is Ripley's BFF. They LOVE each other. A LOT. Dexter also loves me which Ripley does NOT love. But we make it work. Dexter likes to come over cause he likes to chase the tennis balls that Ripley can care less about!
Dexter is a Shiba Inu. It's a crazy Japanese dog. But when I do his voice he is never Japanese. He's usually British. Terribly posh. Ripley is usually a foul-mouthed, demanding sassy britches.
Dexter is a good share-er. This is him offering the ball to Ripley.
"Would you like a play with my ball, dahling?"
"Bite me. Now get out of my bush."
They were made for each other.


Anonymous said...

Love it...I can see a series "Ripley and Dexter"..Go to the park, Go for a walk, Play with the ball.....etc~~~ Oh yea...a children's series:-) oxoxoxo

Sans Pantaloons said...

"Bite me. Now get out of my bush."

I have heard this many times...:¬)