Sunday 22 March 2009


That's been me!! Lord, it was a stressful week! Out of town guests and gone away Moms and impending trips to Utah making me all sorts of anxious! Plus, there was the birthday gifts to get bought and sent and a multitude of stuff ticking me off! World stuff like bullshit bonuses and men who should just be taken out and shot (I speak primarily here of that Austrian man who FINALLY plead guilty to rape after locking his daughter in the basement for 20 years and fathering his 6 grandchildren). And I left my drivers license in Long Island. A whole lotta drama.

But now as I sit in the Crystal Inn in Logan, UT.... after taking pics at a Tabernacle Church and a Bull Semen farm (not the same place, btw)- I breathe slightly easier. I still have to get through Colorado and Arizona before heading home to rest for 2 days and then right back at it... but I am definitely feeling more like any post won't be a total rant fest! And I saw I Love You, Man today which made me laugh. And Hot Fuzz which ALWAYS makes me laugh. And Jay said Gloucester over and over and I didn't cry (he says it, then hugs me and shouts "whyyyy would Matt leave us?"
which also makes me laugh)....

All in all... good stuff. Plus, now I know where to get bull semen. There ain't nothing wrong with that!

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