Monday 31 December 2007

Happy New Goat*!!!

Here's to a 2008 filled with "yes" when you want it most and "no" when you need to use it
and in betweens that soar!!
I, myself, usually save my resolutions for September
(start of the new school year and all- filled with new notebooks and things-to-do lists!)
but this year I am looking for the patience to wait for the yes I want most from immigration and the ability to say no when I need to and honor myself the rest of the time!
And to take a walk every day because my Mom thinks I need to breathe more.....
In the meantime, drop your own personal ball and
should auld acquaintance be forget... keep your eye on that grand olde flag!
Wait, that's not it.

*last year, at 7PM, I received that phrase in a text from Jo as it was already 2007 in England!
A year later, neither of us have any clue why!

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