Wednesday 16 April 2008

An Idiot's Guide To...

...The Metro!!
For those who don't have one in their town- the Metro is like a Cliffs' Notes version of the day's paper! It's free. It's like "the news for people with ADD". That is my slogan, btw.
Theirs is "The world's largest global newspaper"... Whatevs!
Anyway, these are my highlights to today's issue of the Metro.
Which clearly unveils itself as a guide to idiots!
--A mental patient accused of hacking a Manhattan psychotherapist to death with a meat cleaver in February will offer an insanity defense.
--(Pope) Benedict pledged that pedophiles wouls not be priests in the Catholic Church: "I do not wish to talk at this moment about homosexuality, but about pedophilia, which is another thing..."
--There's nothing wrong with women making dough. But nowadays, women are earning more money than ever before,which means their mate-vetting process is likely to get a bit more finicky.
--Viriginia Tech nearly normal on anniversary
--Thin is out in France
So, what have we learned from today's Metro?
Bringing a meat cleaver to therapy is crazy, animals who fuck small children are different from gays (thank you, Benny! Who knew!!), chicks can make money but should still date whoever looks twice at them, honoring those we have lost should not inerrupt your 8AM class, and
I am moving to France!

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