And we're back to the I Want A Dog portion of our program. I thought I would post some pics of potential puppies and get votes! Believe it or not... Bachelor/ette #1 is a Mini Labradoodle.

1) It's got a fun name to say!
2) They were bred for low shed/allergy needs and thus, I like.
3) I have looked them from a far for awhile without knowing what they were and now that I do...
4) It is part lab. But as a miniature, they get to be about 40lbs. I can handle that. Plus, poodles are supposed to be smart and shit.
5) They are really soft and super cute and can come inside (unlike my bird)!!
So, what do you think??
Get 2. Or 3. For real. Ok. 1, but do get one. What the hell.
WOW...My vote is YES!! and his doggy grandparents will be glad to doggy sit too!!oxox
I've wanted a labradoodle for years! They are super cute! Also wanted to throw Italian Greyhound into the hat-small, very intelligent and affectionate.
Personally..I am anti poodle person..You might even call me a "Poodle Hater"
Sorry! Just not a fan of anything that is "poo" and my Mom breed them so I am "knowledgeable"
I say get a hav-shit" is a havanese /shih tu mix.It a real mix and you can tell people and watch their reaction. I think you would have fun.
I have never been a poodle fan either! I just think... you throw lab into something and they are instantly cuter. However, if it looked like a poodle as an adult dog- I would promptly give it a $10 bill, a milkbone and a "see you laters"! :)
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