I did not expect to have to have it all but surgically removed from my hand. It is STUPID good. Clever, deadpan, creepy, smart, funny- EVERYTHING I love in a book. With the added bonus of not being able to get it's sequels in the US! (It's like a disease, I swear.) But I love Mike Carey so much that I promptly hit up the amazon.co.uk and got books 2, 3, and 4. Which I devoured. Devoured! I shipped book one to Jason. Talked it up so much that Gary bought it also. (and LOVED it) Mr. Carey is a very successful comic book writer. And as a novelist- he is so good, I wanna buy comic books. I have never bought myself a comic book. Ever.
All I can say is... if you are able. If you like this kind "shudderingly noir" thing (an apt description provided by Daily Express)- then run, walk, order this shit, yo! Felix Castor, freelance exorcist, is da' bomb. And Mike Carey is a helluva writer.

and who doesn't love a bright, shiny vagina?
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