We need some goodness up in the BFG Apartment!! Illness, death, and don't even get me started on the evidence that I have a cluckin' mouse!! None of these are a Good Thang. So... I am startin' a Good Thang Series!
And first up... SmartFood Popcorn Clusters!
They are GOOOOOD! I have only tried the Chocolate Cookie Caramel Pecan. But I like the CCCP so... happy to carry on with it! And not just delicious... each bag has 120cal and 2grams of fat. And fiber, too!! It is a great snack! And a Good Thang!
other good things:
gummi worms.
do real birds eat gummi worms?
if you had gummi birds up there, when they fell, they'd bounce.
or not, and i'd eat them.
I did think about little trampolines... Then the birdies could bounce right back up. But I like gummi worms? Do mice like gummi worms?
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