Lily of the Valley is my favorite flower. I love its delicateness, its tiny perfection and its heavenly smell. I am not a girl who has ever been given to dreaming about how my wedding would be but when my mind wandered... it was always to my huge bouquet of lilies of the valley! (This was long before I thought about how tricksy and expensive that would be, of course and yet still... someday!) My parents gave me the perfect little bouquet of them when I graduated from college which I dried and still have! (Again, my real friends know just how long that is and thus how impressive!)
So, the BFG Apartment has a two car drive attached. For the first 8 or 9 months, the owner of the building had his car parked in both spots and the rest of the drive was taken up by an insane amount of leaves and garbage and grossness that I absolutely refused to rake! Not my job!! And then the Old Fashion Leaf Raking party happened and I was outvoted and the mess was cleaned up. Seriously... horrid. I would not have been shocked if there had been a body underneath all that mess. CSI: Astoria, indeed! And so, the drive was ready for two cars. I rented one spot to my pal Marcy's man and kept the other for Nannyland purposes (or Thunder or guests, etc). I have kept up on the tidying of the area now that the major clean up had been done and I was thrilled to discover that somehow, someway a crop of Lilies had bloomed! Again, color me clam!
And I am thrilled to have just one little strand of sweet smelling perfection on my desk every day! I am sure there is a making lemonade lesson here but I am too pleased to care!

And I am mighty thankful!
i love 'em too! pretty little bells.
just don't eat 'em!
"White coral bells, upon a slender stalk....lilies of the valley deck my garden wall...oh how I wish that I could hear them ring...that will only happen when the fairies sing":-) liked this tune as well...oxox
love that song too!
my sis taught it to me
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