Wednesday 8 December 2010

My New Favorite Australian.

After getting the book not that you asked by Steve Almond from my girl, Sarah- I was determined to fight her for him. I had to stop reading the book on the subway 'cause I was laughing like a loon. I love when friends give me books I love. Run and buy it. Kindle it. Check it out of your neighborhood library. It is reeeeaaaalllllyyyyy good. I love Steve. I love Sarah.

I also love Jenna. She sent me a link to my new favorite Aussie. As I don't know any Australians- I can actually just call him my very favorite Aussie. This guy is funny, too. And rude. His website is not kid-friendly!! (Or Mom-friendly- if you are my Mom) (a lotta cursing, Mom. You won't like it.)
Jenna sent the link for the Easter piece and the foggot piece- both ridiculous. Then I read the Blockbuster one and the buffed one and almost laughed my computer off my lap. I also immediately clicked on the Magic 8 Ball piece (as I like to let the Magic 8 Ball make as many of my decisions as possible) and I realized my Sis had sent that to me forever ago! So, I really love my Sis, too!!

This post is full of love. You should get in on it by clicking any of the links!! Laugh it up!!

1 comment:

Sans Pantaloons said...

Yes, thank you for the loveful links Jenn! David Thorne is very funny.
Still not Kevin Bacon though. . .