Many a post have documented the time Ripley's spends in her bush. But the winds of change have been a-blowin' at the BFG apartment. Though she still brings various toys and sticks and broom heads to her bush, she doesn't spend as much time in it. Sure, it is the bush she knows. Sure, when Dexter is over and she feels threatened by him and their crazy play- she takes to it. Sure, she will always love it. But these days, she often lays in other shady, bushy places. And I have noticed that her bush is starting to smell. Maybe I should rephrase that?! The point is... it's time to set the bush free. Plant something else there! It is a nice, shady spot and some other lucky plant will become Ripley's new favorite place to hang!
As I am starting to realize, Ripley is a good example setter. And though if she could talk, she may raise some objections to the uprooting of the bush, she would know it was for her own good. Ahhh, my little lesson giver. I, too, need to trim "my bush". (Sorry, I couldn't resist!) Although in my case- I need to trim Nannyland. It has been an insane week (well, year, really)- high school friends in town, getting caught up in a police take down of a bad guy (one minute I was texting, the next minute I was staring down the barrel of several guns and being shoved into a store) (scariest NYC moment in my almost 14 years of being here), realizing I am S I C K of being the easiest target when the adults in Nannyland are frustrated with the whole "parenting thing", and most importantly- feeling like I need to shake it up a bit. Try out a new bush, if you will. Of course, someone needs to pay for all the new plants we will need so I can't just uproot but I certainly can cut back. Refocus. Make better, bolder, more fulfilling choices.
I have never been one to wait for the bestest moment for things- sometimes I wait WAY too long and other times, I just rip that Band-Aid off because I know I have healed. Ripley knows her bush is gross and she seems to be enjoying flattening other bushes- testing them, rolling in them, making them hers. She is (mostly) ready to let go. And I think... me, too.
Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero.
Holy crap about the guns!! You go Jenny!! I support you!! I mean I can't financially but in all other ways!!
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