...to take a Road Trip you need more than a map and a car! I have begun a Wish List of things I think I need (see partial list at right)...
Here is my list in picture form! Any thoughts, comments or suggestions?? Do you have a favorite GPS unit? What camera would you get? What book would you most like to listen to?

a collapsible crate for Rip, Opal car charger, Jaws on CD, a proper camera, a GPS unit, portable breakfast maker (which ideally comes with car adapter!), Malteaster Bunnies, a tape recoder (for the genius ideas the road will pull out of me), and a cooler (with or without large fella)
bring the large fella!
I feel like he could be helpful! :)
Do you want to borrow my tape recorder? I feel like you should go digital but if you want to go old school, lemme know!
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