The newest tween sensation... for those of you who don't know is called Justin Bieber. The first time I heard this youngster, I thought it was a girl- thus, when one of his songs come on- A says, "it's your girlfriend" and I say "your boyfriend is on" and OH, how we laugh. (and then my ears start to bleed) Brief backstory- he is 15, was discovered on youtube, and is Usher's protege. He looks like this...
Doesn't he just scream Tween Douche?
His newest song, which was played for me recently on the way to school features a rap solo by...
...wait for it...
What in the name of all that's holy was Ludacris thinking? Sure it opens his fan base a bit but I would think it alienates the rest of it! For the record, Luda is the ass kicker of one of my Top 5 favorite rap songs. A fine song entitled, Get Back. (I prefer the version with Sum 41)
Get Back is a sad song, really. A song about a fella, out for a lovely eve, who is continually bothered by others who just don't know him like that. He is out and would just like to have a frosty beverage and eye the womenfolk. And when you are at the gym or you are driving away from a heart wrenching confrontation with an ex or you just hate everyone- there is no finer song.
I know it's been a little while since I've been out the house,
but now I'm here.. you wanna stand around runnin' yo' mouth?
I can't hear nothing you sayin' or spittin', so what's up?
Don't you see we in the club?, man shut the fuck up!
Baby is a song about love and lust and "frustration" at 15.
For you, I would have done whatever
And ya stick it with me when we're together
And I'm gonn' play it cool
While I'm losin you
I'll buy you anything
I'll buy you any ring
Cause I'm in pieces
Baby fix me
Come see if you wake me from this bad dream
I'm goin down, down, down
Yeah. Can't do it. Can't sign on.
Bieber is a tool. NKOTB never guested with Grandmaster Flash.
Get back mothafucka, you don't know me like that.
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