Here at the BFG Apartment, we can't seem to catch a break. We came awfully close this time- though not in a good way at all! Friday, on our pre-lunch walk, I noticed Ripley was favoring her left front leg. By afternoon, she was putting no weight on it. By evening, she was crying when she moved. I never saw her do anything specific- she didn't fall. She did however, bound in the snow with an abandon generally saved for penguins and polar bears and turns out- she severely sprained her little leg. The vet took x-rays (and is just keeping my credit card, at this point) and there is no obvious fracture but it is really swollen and obviously, painful.
She is also lethargic, seemingly sad, and clearly, not herself. The "cast" has to stay on for a week, pain meds for several days and of course, the continued use of antibiotics. She should be all better in time for surgery. My poor heart can't take much more...
and I am pretty sure Ripley can't either.

She was back to her fighting self for a little bit yesterday during a walk- hobbling down the block, trying to jump in the snow still.... It was a nice few minutes!
ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! I've never even seen anything like that in my life. Poor Jenny & Ripley : ( Hang in their guys!!! xoxoxo
Toooooo much,,,,,oxoxox to both of that little paw Ripley!
Saddest thing ever. So sorry.
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