Unexpected Mother Cluckin' Issue with the End of My Mirage???? Of COURSE!! What the Cluck! What is the issue, you may inquire?? A CLUCKIN' TYPO!!! By my own solicitors retarded secretary (this is NOT our first typo dance)!!! Now, I have to resign, re-notarize and re-SHIP (remember how excited I was to spend that $27.95 before?) the AFFIDAVIT in which the typo exists!!! What a cluster cluck! NOT HAPPY about this! (Could you tell?)
OK... gonna get 'ir done and go get my girl!!
PS- there were foxes in my dream, so this pic is perfect!! Almost ominously so...
you can do it!
Ahhhhh a fox.....interesting....a very familiar character for you...Hang in there....oxoxo
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