I am unfamiliar with the crate training. There. I said it. This is what I know for sure:
*crates are good*
*puppies are good*
*puppies like crates because they are like dens or hangouts or
whatever the kids are calling them these days*
*you shouldn't force a puppy in a crate (no matter how good they both are)
or they will always hate it*
Given all I know for sure... Ripley is not sleeping in her crate yet. She goes in it. She eats in it. She plays in it. I have shut the door for several minutes at a time. But sleeping? Nope. Why would she sleep alone when the couch and I are so comf?
That being said- last night, she fell asleep in her doggy bed, right next to me on the couch. So I left her in it thinking it was a good first step. And around 3AM, I got a face full of furry puppy breath from a pup who was so pleased that she travelled the six inches to find me that she would have climbed in my face if I had let her. What a delightful feeling!! Seriously, what a plate of unabashed love I was served. Just Delicious!
Here she is as I type... asleep in her bed! Too cute...

Now... tell me a tale about crates!
crating is amazing if u do it right... it totally sucks at first bc they whine and bark nonstop... but once they are used to it its a dream. my parents dogs go in there when told now and it's no problem at all.. they go in there by themselves at times when they are ready for bed. you have to put them in there and then give them a treat. then as soon as you let them out u take them outside to go to the bathroom. you just have to be strong until she grows out of it. put her in there when you are even in the house for just a little bit. never let her out when she is crying or else she will think thats how she gets out. only when she is being calm and good. reward her for her good behavior and make sure to take her out to use the bathroom right away.
That's a good tale!! Thanks!! My parents dog goes to his crate for bed, too... I am going to need some serious strength.... or booze, maybe!!
Hershey says, "Break her in gently...as you are doing...a little at a time......I barked a LOT but then Mom said "you are OK" and I knew I was safe....sometimes music by my crate helped....I know my niece will be great in her crate in a few days....bow wow!"oxox
if ripley won't sleep in the crate maybe i will? can't seem to sleep well anywhere else, worth a try...
It's just like to whole co-sleeping with babies thing. We swear we won't, we work at the crib, we read all the books, and then in the end, there is gummy-grinned bald-headed sweetness curled up against you in the big, comfy bed, so... Yay Ripley! You know where the bear shit in the buckwheat. (Quote courtesy Gramma C.)
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