First- with so much going on, we had to get Nona on a train to take care of her GrandDog!
Then, I had to get the plastic babies in cupcakes for...

Anne's SHOWer! Here's a shot of the crowd lovin' every minute with Jon Friedman!
He had some HI-larious "Yo Mama" jokes for our Mama-To-Be!
THEN- we woke up to a dusting of snow! Ripley had no clue what to make of THIS!
And even after the snow melted, it was still so cold that I was forced to send her outside in her Snuggie For Dogs as an extra layer! Thankfully, because it has sleeves, she was able to take a dump without all the normal annoying blanket issues one might have!
Then there was a Western Themed Poker Party in Nannyland... this cactus was my favorite part! And my peeps, happily being pimped out in service to the wealthy,
being there to make it all easier!

And what Western theme party would be complete without hats, bandannas and mustachios?

On Saturday, we got a package from my bro & sis-in-law filled with Christmas delights for me and Ripley, including this duck. It makes a "real" duck noise which freaks Rip the hell out!
HI-larious! She is fascinated...
She was also TIIIIRED! And fell fast asleep on Saturday all snuggled up with her Pet Smart Warming Blanket thingy- you microwave it and it is warm and toasty!
And even though it is now Sunday, my I Don't Have Run Day, we are both ready for a nap!